The cost of the practicals is £700 per subject (conditions apply)
For more information please call 0208 503 1133
Science A-Levels in the UK
Science is now considered a practical subject across all A-Level examination boards in the UK. As a result students are expected to develop their practical skills throughout their A-level courses. These practicals are designed to help the theoretical learning of each science A-Level and ultimately prepare students for further science study.
When students have the opportunity to attend regular practical sessions alongside their theoretical training (in the school or college setting) they are able to develop the skills that form the practical endorsement section of the A-level grade. With up to 15% of the final exam mark being based on the practical work these sessions also help students attain the highest grades and support University applications for science based subjects.
Distance learning students studying science A-Levels
For some students however it is not possible to develop practical work alongside their A-Level science lessons. This might be due to a small cohort/school size, mature students not having access to school facilities or distance learning students who cannot access a centre close to them.
In response to requests from students we are now able to offer science practicals for Physics, Chemistry and Biology.